Westwood Associates


Westwood Associates have been in the IT Industry since 1987. We’re the perfect partner to support the implementation of IT, helping boost your business to the next level.

PCML specialises in Compliance Solutions and Net Zero Support, helping organisations understand and reduce their carbon footprint and transition towards Net Zero.

We will discuss how our collaboration enabled us to achieve significant benefits and enhance our environmental credentials.


Lack of expertise: We had limited internal knowledge and experience in implementing sustainability or environmental projects. They require a comprehensive understanding of the regulations, strategies, and technologies involved in progressing toward Net Zero.

Cost-effectiveness: While we were committed to reducing our environmental impact, we also had to consider the financial feasibility of the project. We needed a solution that would not only be environmentally friendly but also economically viable.

Engagement with PCML:

Recognising the need for expert guidance, we engaged with PCML following a recommendation from one of our existing key clients. Having a recommendation from a client we trusted gave us the confidence to progress straight away. PCML was also able to offer a very competitive project cost which made sense for our compact business. You can discover more about PCML on their LinkedIn page here.

PCML Audit and Recommendations:

PCML conducted a detailed audit of our operations. They assessed our energy and waste consumption, surveyed our staff, and reviewed our travel and fleet data. Furthermore, they provided a comprehensive overview of our carbon footprint, quantifying our greenhouse gas emissions across our entire value chain. This analysis allowed us to understand our most significant sources of emissions.

Results and Benefits:

The collaboration between Westwood Associates and PCML has yielded numerous positive outcomes, including a massive 26% saving on our annual electricity costs.

Through the implementation of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy integration, we are ahead of the target to achieve our goal of becoming a Net Zero organisation by 2050.